Sad and emotional short animated film on APS attack which take the life of innocent children's.After the tragic news 16 December is consider black day in the history of Pakistan.
16th December is already consider black day is the history of Pakistan due to fall of dhaka but in 2014 Terrorists entered in the Army Public School in Peshawar & brutally killed 147 People, 132 of them are school Children. Cartoon short film is based on mother who is remembering cute story of her lost child but all of sudden she waked up and realized that he was dream. Hats of peshawar zalmi for take APS childrens to Dubai for watch PSL match. Many songs and crying videos are released by ISPR. the famous mujhe dushman ke bachon ko parhana hai Bara Dushman Bana Phirta hai Jo bachon se darta hai