The Story of First Naval battle of islam and the one who led from front Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah RA and hades mubrak about this war and their soldier or mujahideen (reference from bukari shreef)
Before start i want to clearly There are two famous Islamic ruler in Umayyad Caliphate with same name Muawiyah.

2:- Muawiyah bin yazid or muawiyah II true caliph of Muslim history who give his area state Abdullah bin Zubayr by saying " I dont want government or crown which stand on the blood of Imam Hussian RA AS"
Firstly Hazrat Umer RA refuse to give the permission after Muawiyah RA but after some year roman naval army attack eypt and Usman RA odered Amr ibn aas RA to beat them.At that time Muawiyah RA ask agian Uthman Ibn Affan RA to permit him to built muslim navy ( arab already have good naval record ).Caliph Uthman RA allow himand latter Dhat as Sawari bataille Navale Califat Rashidun vs Empire Byzantin (Arabes vs Romains) and Battle of the Masts become first naval war after arrival Islam is fought by Muawiyah RA during the era of Hazrat Usman RA (3rd in Rashidun Caliphate).
Hazrat muawiyah bin abu sufyan fought this battle and win that is why the tittle of Amir al Bhar or first Muslim admiral or Captain of Sea in history is given to this sahabi rasool SAW. During the time of death muslim army have more than 1600 big ship
This movie or video was showing lattle about islamic ruler in urdu from voice of zaid hamid taken from the program yah ghazi with best battle naseed on back ground naseed and music "Eventide" by Brand X Music.
Before watch please consider this as the request
tittle : Amir Muawiyah and First Naval War
Amir Muawiyah RA - Full movie by salmannaseem07
We are planing to make the full movie about Muawiyah RA in Urdu what you people recommend?